zarqawi, al-sadr, and baathist remnants stand in our way...
Published on June 26, 2004 By ronedubstylee In Current Events
as the transfer of power date looms ever closer on wednesday, the nightmare that iraq has become twists and turns even deeper into the blackhole at the center of the middle east theater. now before i develop this argument any further, i would like to clarify my stance on the recent (2001-2004) developments on the war on terror, and the united states. i am a strong supporter of the president, his administration, our governments policies, and the war on terror we have been engaged in, since the spetember 11th attacks. however recently, i have had a tough time sitting at home, watching the body count rise, as we seem to be stuck in idle, trying to shuffle between bullets, waiting until wednesday to let out of sigh of relief.
on the homefront, the liberals are running rampant, with ranking afficials like waxman and pelosi bashing the administration for thier hate of president bush the man, and the against the interest of the nation, and the troops abroad, and in harms way. the 9/11 commission has wrapped up thier hollow, and pointless inverstigation, ready to relase a report to the nation that sheds light on nothing new to the american public. a waste of time, and taxpayer dollars, and in my opinion, nothing but a ray of negative light shown on the president in a time of global conflict. absosultley unamerican and deplorable to the nth degree if you ask me.
early today, president bush landed in turkey, to speak with other collilation leaders before NATO, asking for assistance in training, supplying, and equiping the iraqi armed forces and police, as they shift into high gear in securing thier own country. this is something ihave hoped for since day one, because we do not have the funds available to provide adequet euqipment and/or training for the iraqis, and since we havent given them the means to defend, it would have been a formula for utter defeat.
last month, nick berg, the american citizen has beheaded at the hands of zarqawi, for the american occupation of iraq. paul johnson met a similiar demise at the hands of a zarqawi-friendly group, claiming infidels in the holy land were the cause for killing. recently, south korea sends more troops to aid the iraqis, and assist in the peace keeping mission, and a south korean translator dies for his governments ties to US interests. and now, as the president waives from the door or air force one, zarqawi, and his terro associates release a video bearing turkish hostages, threatening thier deaths because turkey is housing the NATO summit, and alowing the infidels to meet and discuss more ways to impose democracy on the region, and ways to make the world a less formidable place in the future to radical islamic extremist to thrive and operate as freely as they do now.
this is where my problem originates, and begins to drag me closer to my boiling point. nearly 1,000 colilition troops have died sine the start of the 2003 campaign. i dont hvae a problem with this, because war and democracy both have high stakes and prices. now, the sunni triangle, the hotbed, if you will of iraq, is where almost all if not all of the terror in the region has been spawning from. i remember two months ago, we were readied to level fallujia, and make ammends with the iraqis, because sometimes, war can cost lives. not only can abu musab al-zarqawi be connected to countless car bombs, i.e.d.'s, killings, ambushes, threats, and promises, he is a high ranking satillite member of the al-queda terro network, and leads the insurgency in and throughout the iraq region.
if destroying a whole city in iraq would help lead to the peace and stability of the country, and someday, the region, then i can not comprehend why we havent lead some kind of a major offensive there yet. two months ago, we handed over control of the city to a fomrer iraqi general, and the iraqi police who were ill-equipped, and undertrained, and possible on the payroll of zarawi and his terro allies. even if the forces left in command of the city of fallujia were pro democracy, pro collilation, and pro US, if the terrorists in the sunni triangle held us at bay for months in our armored humvees, m1a1 tanks, and m16's, how would the iraqi police, armed with ak-47's, and white toyota pickup trucks fair? its inconcievable, and makes me really upset.
what is the governmens lack of willingness lately to mount and offensive, and lay to rest this terroist and his allies, and more level the playing field for peace, and the rebuilding process to be a success. encircle the city, drop leaflets alerting the citiznes of fallujia of our intentions, and give a 48 hour window to allow them to pass through check points in exiting the city. and, then, in a huge offensive, mount an attack with the dug-in terrorists and insurgents, to end this huge problem and actually follow up on our claims that iraq can and will be a safer place.
zarqawi is the most wanted, public terrorist around right now, and causing us as much, or more problems than usama bin lauden is in the afghan/pakistani mountains. zarqawi is on tv and the radio in the arab world and abroad several times weekly, and the bad press the US is getting is doing nothing but hurting us every day it is allowed to continue. the threats to kill the three turkish hostages, paul breamer, john abiziad, and the new interm iraqi president and prime minister cannot be ignored. the collilition of the willing mustband together and purge the sunni triangle of the cancer that is tearing iraqi apart at the seams, and strive toward the free and emocratic iraq. i urge for feedback from both sides of the political spectrum, offering contructive critism, and/or better ways to battle this monster. as wednesday draws closer with every passing second, time is running out, on iraq, the strength of or foriegn policies, and the will of the united states armed forces in the eyes of the world, and especially, the eyes of our terroist enemies....

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